Death Star by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry
I try not to run away with more intent then was probably
placed in a story but when the main plot point is an explosion of everything
the story was about, and you know it is coming before even starting, all that
is left is reading into the meaning. I’m going into my final thoughts with only
vague feelings. I only have a few things to say. Nova being force sensitive is
interesting when paired with his interest in philosophy. This pairs thinking
and intuition. These are almost polar opposites but in this case the pair
together saves him, figuratively of course. His interest in philosophy allows
him to have ideals but his intuition allowed him to act. This is also in
contrast to Tenn Graneet. He believed it when he was told the ultimate weapon
wouldn’t be used, as if a weapon has ever failed to be used. Weapons are always
used at least once before the impact of what the weapon can do is realized.
This happened with nuclear weapons, there was fear there, mass fear, for years
but only after they were used. Graneet didn’t think passed what he was told and
he suffered for it. In the end there was no redemption for him. Teela and Vil
are another contrast but in this case it brings harmony. Teela was all about
structure, which is a requirement for her being an architect, and Vil needed fluidity
in order to adapt to situations as a pilot. Both are needed in society.
Rodo, we don’t know much about him other than Memah saying
he values beauty and his ability to keep those around him safe. Did he love
her, in what way, did he not? I don’t think it matters. What is important about
him is he saw the world and he acted when needed without false pretenses. He
showed loyalty without expectation and through this he found contentment.
Motti, Dalla, Tarkin, who cares. I will say I was disappointed in Tarkin’s last
thoughts. I found his only real admirable trait is keeping things in
perspective. He aimed big sure but never dismissed possibility and what he saw
before him. Yet at the end he lost that all-encompassing perspective. As for
Memah and Ratua, I should probably say something about stability, I’m just not
sure what.
The Death Star itself can be seen as one big metaphor but
for what? In this case I feel there is one good answer and that is the Death
Star is society. There was a big emphasis on many types of people within this
story. All walks of life and social standing was present along with types of
relationships. It isn’t a stretch to say that society is the way to view the
Death Star. What is important though is what the meaning of its destruction is.
The Death Star is a society that did not meet the needs of the individuals in
that society and could not sustain itself do to this.